Adela is given a sisterly warning

November 8, 784, Valnessa, Meliora

“Oh, aren’t you just precious?” Duchess Helena cooed at the baby her son was holding up for her to see. “Really, there’s no such thing as too many granddaughters, don’t you agree, Adalmar?”

Adela saw Adalmar’s lips twitch, but whether that was from amusement or bewilderment, she couldn’t really tell. “I’ll have to take your word for it, Mother. I don’t have any granddaughters to be able to tell.”


Kallistrata asks for a name

November 7, 784, Griared, Bellingar


“Everything seems to be in order.” Eulalios said with a smile as their stepsister presented the infant to him. “You’ve got a healthy little baby boy, sister.”

Antheia only gave a tired smile as Kallistrata sat down on the other end of the double bed. Weiterlesen

Lovisa can’t give a warning

September 15, 784, Terillan, Syntyche


“So, why on earth do I have to be present at this meeting?” Philomela asked petulantly and shifted around in her seat. “It’s just your sister-in-law’s betrothed coming for a visit.”

Lovisa sighed deeply at her sister’s insistence of being difficult. As if she was the only daughter of house Donndubhán who didn’t have a betrothed incidentally. After all, not too long ago, Lovisa herself had been an unmarried woman in her early twenties. There were worse fates, surely, especially since their father wasn’t hell-bent on marrying them off and their mother – despite her gentle countenance – wasn’t a pushover. Weiterlesen

Kallistrata is told what everyone else will see

September 3, 784, Griared, Bellingar


“I’m … glad that you could make it.” Antheia addressed her younger sister. “I was starting to get rather bored here.”

“Is Askell that boring?”

“Even the most interesting person becomes boring when one is cooped up all day.” Weiterlesen

Ingenie explains her plan

August 26, 784, Lormere, Syntyche


“Euthalia!” Ingenie exclaimed as the door shut behind the servants who had guided the empress and her son up to the sitting room. “So good to see you! I hope the travel went well?”

“I can’t complain. Though Leander grew restless after a while.” Weiterlesen

Artan speaks into the silence

August 6, 784, Wolfholt, Themis


Truth be told, Artan never quite understood the fuss all the other adults made over the arrival of an heir. He hadn’t even understood the fuss that must have been made about him before it was found out that he was crippled. Of course, for all he knew, nobody had ever made a fuss over him like that. Weiterlesen

Charlotte isn’t a midwife

August 5, 784, Wolfholt, Themis


“Comfortable?” Artan asked, his arm slung over Charlotte’s shoulder.

“Hm-hm. I’m not that far along yet. No need to coddle me.”

“Well, the way I see it, you are currently at the stage where you’re not yet big enough for it to be a problem, but far enough along for it to be an annoyance. Isn’t it?” Weiterlesen