Artan speaks into the silence

August 6, 784, Wolfholt, Themis


Truth be told, Artan never quite understood the fuss all the other adults made over the arrival of an heir. He hadn’t even understood the fuss that must have been made about him before it was found out that he was crippled. Of course, for all he knew, nobody had ever made a fuss over him like that.

But he couldn’t really begrudge his new nephew all the attention. It wasn’t his fault that his sister would become even more unbearable than she already was. It really would have been better if it had been Charlotte who had given birth first.


Duchess Kallisto handed the baby over to her son who wasted no time cuddling the baby half to death. Artan chanced a look at his wife who was still standing next to his chair, even though he had offered to change positions for her.

Maybe this was some sort of female demonstration of power? To show his sister that not only was Charlotte willing to attend the birth, she also did so standing up? At any rate, this couldn’t have been good for either herself or the baby.


“How are you feeling, your Highness?” He heard the duchess ask his sister who was still stretched out on the bed.

“Very well, thank you. I honestly expected it to be worse.”

Artan had to keep from snorting derisively. Ever since Charlotte and he started to become more than just acquaintances, his sister had not wasted a single opportunity to stick it to her rival that she was her “better”.


So it was no surprise to him that Emeline got up from the bed to make her way to Lucan and her newborn son, ignoring the duchess’ protests. Maybe he was unfair, but he couldn’t imagine that it was just so she could be closer to her baby. She never did anything without purpose.

“We finally have a healthy heir.” He heard her mumble to Lucan and this time he couldn’t quite keep a snort from escaping his lips. “Themis and the Ardal family are safe now.”


“I think this is our cue to leave.” Artan said into the awkward silence that followed and hugged his wife who had carefully avoided looking at anyone until this point. “Let us leave the happy family to their own devices.”

And before anyone could protest, he had let her through the doors, his limb barely noticeable for once.

First Artan-centric chapter. Hope that answers a few questions about him. =P

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